Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Management and Leadership Paper - 1284 Words

Management and Leadership Paper Evelina Tibubos University of Phoenix MGT 330/ Management: Theory, Practice and Application Management and Leadership Paper I Introduction: Leadership and management are two opposing styles of employee supervision actively used with in the organization. It has lots of similarities, yet there are many differences that separate a manager from a leader. Bateman and Snell, 2008 stated that â€Å"Management is the process of working with people and resources, to accomplish organizational goal† (p19). Leadership is a manner in which a leader aspires to persuade his or her team to launch and achieve organizational goal. This paper will discuss the difference between management and leadership, the roles†¦show more content†¦Leaders are risk-takers and ready to hurdle problems that overcomes on their way. Leaders allow changes and use it to their advantage by taking the change that people would like to follow. Leaders are innovators with creativity to invent and focus on the vision. Leaders are mentors and see people strengths while manager evaluate people, restricts initiative, and looks for what employees are doing wrong. Leaders concentrate on the future while managers think about the short –term goals and focus on what needs to be dealt now with no intention of thinking about the future (Leadersdirect 2008). This is really true in the organization I work. Managers are the ones who manage the budget, reports and statistics, are preoccupied with the maintenance issues, and deals with solving problem. They are focusing on their work expecting the good effort done by the staff.. The leader in our unit works with the staff to achieve the best, and leads the other staff to reach their goals. The unit manager depends on the leader to accomplish the unit activities, and the leader is a role model that most of staff members follow to improve themselves. III. 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